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Duration: 9'

Instrumentation: Slide Whistle, contact mic, small amplifier, multieffect pedal. teenage pocket operator (sub).

Year: 2017

tech bite

Program notes

Although there is no single reason for visual illusions it has been argued that when the brain attempts to generate a perception, it is taking a guess at the near future by trying to fast-forward nearly a tenth of a second. As a result of this "neural delay," you might not be perceiving an image as it actually is, but as you expect it might soon be. In short, illusions occur when the brain attempts to perceive the future, and those perceptions don't match reality. All of this is to say that Tech Bite ties the gestures of the slide whistle with this image that tricks the brain into perceiving movement. In the process of composing, I tracked my own eye and translated it’s movement into timbral parameters and spatial delineations.

Staging Equipment

Staging is described in the score but generally only requires (1) plastic table. 

If you decided to use the optional video then a projector & screen.

Recommended Hardware Equipment

Teenage Engineering PO-14 Pocket Operator Sub Bass Synthesizer (this model here). It's sometimes referred to as 'synth' in the score.

Danelectro Honeytone N-10 Mini Guitar Amp (you can find these for around 30€ online). (This model here)

Metal slide whistle and a few mallets (listed in the score)

Contact mic: Korg CM300BK Contact Microphone (the kind that are often used with tuners)

For pedals, I've used the Boss VE-20 Vocal Effects Processor which is a multi-effect pedal but other pedals that have a chorus and distortion option should work. 


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copyright @ 2017-2025 Kelley Sheehan
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